Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Pam Temple's Retirement Party Pictures

January 31, 2018 is Pam Temple's last day as Coordinator of Technical Services at Chattanooga State. The KLIC staff held a retirement party for Pam on January 25th. Here are a few pictures from the party and the friends who visited!

Witty signs like this one were posted around the room.

Mini-candy bars were wrapped with tiny book covers.

This table had a tree with printed book covers as ornaments, check out cards to be used as a note for Pam, and a sign about Pam's 38 years at Chattanooga State.

Several retired library staff members came back to honor Pam and to visit with us. It was great to connect with past staff members!
Front row-Wiki, Pam, Sharon. Back Row-Sandra, Vicky, Bill, Tisa.

And a picture of the past staff and current staff 

Pam, we hope to see you around! Thank you for all of your years of dedication to your profession and to Chattanooga State!

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