Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Native American Heritage Month

Hixson Mound (TVA, 1936)
Every year, our nation pauses to reflect on the profound ways the First Americans have shaped our country's character and culture. The first stewards of our environment, early voices for the values that define our nation, and models of government to our Founding Fathers -- American Indians and Alaska Natives helped build the very fabric of America. Today, their spirit and many contributions continue to enrich our communities and strengthen our country. During National Native American Heritage Month, we honor their legacy.

Read the Native American Heritage Month Guide to find links. (

Links to to Native American tribes, sites, and literature (

Links to the Alcatraz occupation videos and to Films on Demand code talkers documentary

Selected images of burial mounds in Hixson and Dallas before TVA built Chickamauga Lake. (Navigation tip: After clicking on individual image, close window to return back to portfolio.)

Selected Native American sites near Chattanooga


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