Sunday, October 05, 2014

Betsy's Recommended Reads

    About Betsy:
    •  Worked at KLIC for almost 14 years – electronic resources, instruction, website edits, Libguides and chat
    • Enjoys singing, puppets, dogs, old movies (Turner Classic Movie channel is a favorite), paper crafts, chocolate 
    • Writes reviews for Children’s Literature Database and Journal of Web Librarianship journal 
    • Music, fine arts, theater and web design departments liaison 
    • Proud aunt of 2 nephews 
    • Proud graduate of University of MI – has TN roots with her mother 
    • LITA (Libraries and Information Tech. Association) member 

    A Few of Betsy's Guides:

    Betsy's Recommended Reads:

    1Design Wise: a Guide for Evaluating the Interface Design of Information Resources by Alison Head
    Her design principles and knowledge of information literacy combine to help better experiences with online sources.

    2. Wonder by R. J. Palacia 
    Auggie is different in the most dramatic way possible and he decides to go to a public school instead of being homeschooled; what starts out as a mandated “kindness” to him turns into the real thing in his school. The message is kindness can never be too much or practiced too often!

    3. 85 Years of the Oscar: the Official History by Robert A. Osborne 
    Adore older movies and Robert Osborne (author) is a host on Turner Classic Movies; love seeing what movies got the award and his assessment of the choice (not always deserving!)

    4. Don't Make Me Think! : a Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug
    Considered a standard to deciding if websites are user-friendly and how to fix ones that are not.

    5. The Elements of User Experience : User-centered Design for the Web and Beyond by Jesse James Garrett 
    Websites’ design is best when considering the user’s experience with it; applies to pages librarians design as well as using vendor-designed sources.

    6. Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame  
    One of the first “big kid” books I read; adore Mr. Toad and his antics and Mr. Mole’s acceptance of Mr. Toad. 

    7. Using Libguides to Enhance Library Services
    Big element of my job as Web Services Librarian and a cool tool to help us create web pages.

    8. To Kill a Mockingbird screenplay by Horton Foote  
    Adore the movie, particularly Gregory Peck’s Atticus but find that the ability to be in someone’s shoes and walk around is something we need to consider to give good service and understand students’ needs

    9. Into the wardrobe : C.S. Lewis and the Narnia Chronicles by David C. Downing (and/or any of the Narnia chronicles) 
    Series that intrigued me in elementary school; love the symbolism and the alternate world of Narnia; Lewis’ questions about religion added to it when I became older

    10. Leonardo and the Last Supper by Ross King
    Leonardo is one of my favorite artists (as well as him being a left-handed genius – I’ve been a life-long lefty as I have several baby pictures of me using my left hand); this is just a recent book about his artwork that we have and can be checked out.

    11. Cock-a-doodle Dance! by Christine Tricarico
    A book I reviewed for Children’s Literature Database; it’s a really funny book that celebrates joy of life and shows how creative children’s books can be.

    12. Caroline Feller Bauer's New Handbook for Storytellers : with Stories, Poems, Magic, and more by Caroline Feller Bauer 
    Saw her at conference and she inspired me to tell stories and to create my story notebook.

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