Friday, July 20, 2018

Not So Frequently Asked Questions with Kyle Simons!

Kyle Simons
Laboratory Technician
You've probably seen Kyle around the library working on all of our tech equipment. He's our new Laboratory Technician and he's here to put out any fires (hopefully just figuratively) for the library's IT Team. He keeps things running smoothly for our 117+ computers as well as our printers, copiers, scanners, and fax machines. If you have tech questions, he's another great staff person to go to. You can contact him at or 423.697.2573.

1. Favorite local restaurant?
I’m not much of a foodie, but my wife always loves trying out new places; our current go-to in Chattanooga has to be Rain Thai Bistro.

2. What do you like to do in your free time?
Whenever I have time to myself, I’m either drawing or playing video games. I also spend a lot of time watching movies or TV shows, and otherwise, just spending time with family. I’m very much a homebody.

3. What sort of movies do you like?
I have an appreciation for most films; though, I'd say I have a particular affinity for adventure/fantasy, sci-fi, and horror/comedy.

4. Favorite cartoon?
This is a difficult question since I’m a cartoon fanatic; if it’s animated, I probably love it. That being said, one series does come to mind immediately, Avatar: The Last Airbender. That was pretty phenomenal.
5. What was your favorite class in high school?
My favorite classes in high school were just about any of the computer tech classes, primarily PC Repair and Programming, but also, Web Design and Electronics. If it had anything to do with technology, I enjoyed it.

6. What are your favorite podcasts?
In no particular order, my current top five: Your Art Sucks, The DIY Animation Show, Animation Ninja, The Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast, and The Art of Manliness.

7. Who’s your favorite movie/TV librarian?
I can’t say that I know of many, but Evelyn Carnahan from The Mummy is a sure favorite.

8. Who shot first, Han or Greedo?
I’m way more of a Trekkie, but Han shot first, no question.

9. Coke or Pepsi?
10. Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter?

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