Saturday, August 24, 2019

New Signs!

When you walk into the library, you will see two new signs that look like this!

The signs were created to direct library visitors to the side of the library wishing to seek. Quiet study is to the left of the service desk and collaborative study is to the right of the service desk. Notice that the orange collaborative sign has a semi-circle arc above the speaker icon. There is one more sign in the library that does not have this. It is the Considerate Study sign near the library computers.

The green signs indicate conversations that are considerate to the library computer users around you. Considerate level includes being conscious how much noise you are creating and to be conscious of the need for conversation. Green considerate study signs can be found in another location in addition to the computers --  the study rooms.

The study rooms do not have a closed ceiling. Therefore, we are asking study room visitors to use considerate level of noise and to be conscious of their surroundings. 

With the new signage, we are hoping everyone has the learning experience they are expecting in the library and everyone knows what the expectations are. 

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