Wednesday, October 19, 2016

2016 fall semester Meacham Writers' Workshop begins October 27

The Meacham Writers' Workshop is again providing free public readings from authors and reviews of local writers' submissions. The Meacham is held two times each year on the campuses of Chattanooga State and UTC as well as a community location. The fall 2016 workshop begins at 7 pm on Thursday, October 27th at Chattanooga State's Health Science Center, room 1087. 

Thomas Balázs, Erin Elizabeth Smith, and Ethel Morgan Smith (bios below) will read selections from their works in HSC 1087. The readings are free and open to the public.

The Meacham will continue Thursday the 27th , 9 PM, at the Star Line Bookstore and on Friday and on Saturday. For a full schedule and bios and sample works of all of the visiting writers, visit the Meacham web site at and click on schedule. 

Thomas Balázs the author of the short story collection Omicron Ceti III (Aqueous Books, 2012). His fiction has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies including The North American Review, The Southern Humanities Review, and The Robert Olen Butler Prize Anthology. His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best New American Voices, and the AWP Intro Journals Project Award. He was awarded the Theodore Christian Hoepfner Award for best short fiction in 2010. He teaches creative writing at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Erin Elizabeth Smith is the author of two full-length collections and the editor of two anthologies, Political Punch: Contemporary Poems on the Politics of Identity and Not Somewhere Else But Here: Contemporary Poems on Women and Place. Her poems have appeared in numerous journals, including Mid-American, Crab Orchard Review, Cimarron Review, and Willow Springs, among other. She holds a PhD in Creative Writing from the Center for Writers at the University of Southern Mississippi and teaches in the English Department at the University of Tennessee, where she is also the Jack E. Reese Writer in the Library.
Ethel Morgan Smith is the author of two books: From Whence Cometh My Help: The African American Community at Hollins College and Reflections of the Other: Being Black in Germany. She has also published in The New York Times, Callaloo, African American Review, and other national and international outlets. She has received a Fulbright Scholar-Germany, Rockefeller Fellowship-Bellagio Italy, Visiting Artist-The American Academy in Rome, DuPont Fellow-Randolph Macon Women’s College, Visiting Scholar-Women’s Studies Research Center-Brandies University, The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and Bread Loaf Fellowship. She teaches at West Virginia University in Morgantown.

Keep up with the Meacham Writers' Workshop news on their website and on the workshop's Twitter account.

Read our 2014 blog post 
Meacham Writers’ Workshop FAQ with Bill Stifler for some great background information about the Meacham workshops.

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