Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Not So Frequently Asked Questions with Danielle Knowles

Danielle at Samuel Beckett Bridge in Dublin, Ireland
Danielle Knowles, Library Systems & Emerging Technologies Librarian
Danielle Knowles hales from Huntsville, Alabama but she's not new to Chattanooga. She spent some time here in her undergraduate days, attending Chattanooga State before transferring to university. Now she's back and she's leading KLIC's technology staff. She's in charge of our new search engine, OneKLIC, which lets students and faculty search our books, ebooks, DVDs, online videos, articles, magazines, etc. all in one place. She also oversees our amazing IT staff who makes sure everything is running smoothly. She took a little time out of her busy schedule so we could ask her some Not So Frequently Asked Questions.

1. What is the last book you read?
Going Clear by Lawrence Wright

2. Favorite thing to do in Chattanooga?
Bike, hike, and kayak

3. What is the last picture you took with your phone?
A trail map sign

4. You find a magic lamp and a genie gives you three wishes. What do you wish for?
Never-ending good health, the resources to travel and time to all the other things I want to do in this life.

5. Favorite sport?
Roller Derby

6. Coke or Pepsi?

7. Favorite local restaurant?
I haven’t tried enough to decide on a favorite yet.

8. What advice do you have for students?
You know those classes you hate that aren’t related to your major? You will use them in the future. You may not need them for your job, but having a baseline education is very important.

9. What do you like to do in your free time?
Outdoor activities and video games

10. What was one of your most memorable vacations?
Not really a vacation, but a college course (Natural History of East Africa). The class was a month long safari in Kenya.

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